Our Benefactors has relaunched as Out Run RP!

New options menu and stream list features

As some of you may have noticed there is a new options menu, with it comes a slew of new options for the stream list page.

The old options menu was hastily put together when the site was first made and long needed to be replaced.

Don't panic however as hopefully all your old settings have been converted to the new format.

There are probably still some bugs I need to workout so if you notice any let me know via the feedback form.

I have been wanting to add more servers for awhile now but have long worried about lack of features to tailor what you see or when you are notified of events. This issue is magnified on the all gta rp subdomain.

You can now reorder servers, customize notifications based on what server they are related to and hide servers among other things.

Some of the features are mainly useful for using the non server specific stream list but I have also added in more polish and general options that weren't available before. If there is something you would like to be able to configure or have any other suggestions let me know via the feedback link.

A couple of tips

Hover over options for more explanation

You can click the label describing an option to select the option element

Click and drag servers in the stream list > streams option page to include them or exclude the from the stream list page.

Changing to a different options tab / panel attempts to save any changes you have made.

Errors during saving will need to be fixed before proceeding.

Testing notifications displays changed settings but does not save them.

Closing the options dialog will discard any unsaved changes.

Options are domain specific.

In the future

I will make a blog in the coming days going into more details perhaps with a gif or two but hopefully the settings and new options menu are self explanatory.

I will also be making a poll of some sort to see what servers people would be interested in me adding next.

Oh and I added OCRP as a server on the main page too.
